Day 19: Building On Small Victories 30 Day HuntFIT™ Fitness Transformation Challenge

Day 19: HuntFIT™ 30 Day Fitness Transformation Challenge
Day 19 Challenge: Building On Small Victories

Tip: Building on small victories is a necessary step to developing a healthy lifestyle.  Developing healthy habits means developing successful habits.  Successful habits lead to small victories, and small victories quickly add up to larger victories. Building on small victories builds confidence.

Here are a few small tips that will help you learn to build on small victories:

  1. Break down large goals into smaller goals.  Learning to break large goals down into smaller goals is important to making any fitness plan sustainable.  Trying to focus on the end goal is overwhelming.  Take your time and set small intentional goals. 
  2. Take time to live in, and enjoy the moment.  Nothing causes negativity to creep in faster than failing to live in, and enjoy the moment.  Slowing down and appreciating the beauty associated with living in the moment brings peace and tranquility to your life.
  3. Don't pressure yourself, let things happen naturally. Rome wasn't built in a day.  You WILL NOT get yourself to the final goal over night.  I've been chipping away at my goal for over three years and there has been an ebb and flow of small victories but learning slow down, takes a lot of the pressure off and allows you to progress naturally on your path to success. 
  4. Reward yourself.  Celebrating small victories means rewarding yourself. As you accomplish each small goal along the way, make sure you take the time to reward yourself.  Maybe its a new pair of shoes, or a smaller pair of pants, maybe its a steak dinner, or possibly even ice cream.  Rewarding yourself makes it the journey more fun and enjoyable and also gives you something to look forward to. 
  5. Track your progress.  Tracking your progress is one of the most important steps to your fitness journey.  Wearing a fitness tracker that connects to your phone is a really great way to track progress and stay motivated.
  6. Change your perspective. Changing your perspective can truly change  your life.  Part of changing your perspective is being more kind to yourself.  As you transform yourself and progress in the challenge, learning to change your perspective will ensure you have the positive mental state to complete the challenge. Choosing to see things from a more positive perspective is key to living a happy and healthy life. 

Don't be too hard on yourself.  No one is perfect.  If you fail while on the path to your fitness goal, try again tomorrow. 

Day 19: Food examples

At this point in the journey you should have a pretty good handle on the keto diet.  Make sure to check out:

Try to get in at least 30-60 mins of continuous physical exercise every day.


    • Walking
    • Running
    • Biking
    • Stretching
    • Light weight training
    • Swimming
    • Climbing stairs
    • Walking up hills
    • Pushup
    • Sit-up
    • Hiking with pack
    • Rucking in the city with hunting boots on

Important links to help you get started on KETO:



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Disclaimer- Nothing contained within this website should be mistaken as medical, health, or fitness advice. We are merely sharing with our users vetted techniques and methods that we have personally used to become more healthy and physically fit. Users should always consult their physician or a qualified nutritionist first before beginning any diet or exercise regimen. There is no substitute for professional medical or nutritional advice. Everything related to fitness and contained within this site is for motivational and educational purposes only, and should not be mistaken for medical or fitness advice.


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