Day 27: Dealing With Injury And Setback 30 Day HuntFIT™ Fitness Transformation Challenge

Day 27: HuntFIT™ 30 Day Fitness Transformation Challenge
Day 27 Challenge: Dealing With Injury And Setback

Tip:  Dealing with injury and setback can be tough.  The psychological strain placed on someone due to injury and subsequent setbacks can take a toll on a persons mindset.  Staying positive and resting after injury is the best way to ensure a quick and strong recovery

Here are a few things to keep in mind when dealing with injury and setback:

  1. Stay positive. Keeping a positive mindset is one of the biggest keys to a healthy recovery.  It might be tough at first, but after the initial shock wears off, staying positive gets easier. 
  2. Get plenty of rest. Rest is the only way for your body to properly recover.  Muscles repair themselves while you sleep, so get plenty of rest and drink lots of water. 
  3. Avoid the urge to prematurely use the injured area.  Working out an injured area prematurely will most likely cause you to reinjure and prolong the recovery process. I personally made this mistake and it caused a 6 month delay in my own recovery from a hip and knee injury. 
  4. Find other healthy substitutes.  If you are a runner and can walk without pain, walk.  If you can pedal a bicycle, use a stationary bike.  You get the picture.  Find something to do, and do it.  
  5. Recovery takes time. You will not be fully recovered over night, and maybe not even by next month, depending on the severity of the injury.  Take it easy on yourself and don't force things.  When the time is right, you will know it. 
  6. Avoid negative thinking. Avoid talking bad about yourself, or negative things in general. Allowing negativity to creep in is easy, but it's vitally important to keep a positive mindset while you are in recovery. 
  7. Don't be afraid to see a doctor. Please, if you have a serious injury, go see a doctor immediately.  No joke, do it!

Don't be too hard on yourself.  No one is perfect.  If you fail while on the path to your fitness goal, try again tomorrow. 

At this point in the journey you should have a pretty good handle on the keto diet.  Make sure to check out:

Try to get in at least 30-60 mins of continuous physical exercise every day.


    • Walking
    • Running
    • Biking
    • Stretching
    • Light weight training
    • Swimming
    • Climbing stairs
    • Walking up hills
    • Pushup
    • Sit-up
    • Hiking with pack
    • Rucking in the city with hunting boots on

Important links to help you get started on KETO:


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Disclaimer- Nothing contained within this website should be mistaken as medical, health, or fitness advice. We are merely sharing with our users vetted techniques and methods that we have personally used to become more healthy and physically fit. Users should always consult their physician or a qualified nutritionist first before beginning any diet or exercise regimen. There is no substitute for professional medical or nutritional advice. Everything related to fitness and contained within this site is for motivational and educational purposes only, and should not be mistaken for medical or fitness advice.

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